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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is PropertyBook?

PropertyBook is an advanced real estate data and analytics platform leveraged as a powerful tool by users to easily search and find properties and sales, and to conduct extensive due diligence that is impossible to do with any other product.

What data does PropertyBook provide?

PropertyBook provides a wide array of data for every real property tax lot, condominium unit tax lot and coop unit in New York City. Our data includes extensive land and building characteristics, ownership details, ACRIS documents, current and historic Assessments & Taxes, DOB applications and Permits, Income & Expenses, and past and present owner contact info. We're constantly adding new data to increase the value our users realize from using PropertyBook. With instant access to vital property data, including data from various New York City agencies, all in one central location, PropertyBook makes your job a lot easier!

How accurate is PropertyBook's data?

Accurate data is the foundation on which PropertyBook is built, and by far our primary focus. One of the things that make us an outlier in the property data space is that we're real estate professionals, just like you. And also like you, we rely on this data to conduct extensive analyses and advise our clients. So anything less than accurate data is not an option for us, and it shouldn't be for you either.

PropertyBook has quickly become the Authority in New York City Property and Sales Data. Through years of experience working with this data and our relentless work ethic, we've developed custom algorithms to ensure that every single property and sale is accounted for and reported accurately. Although we're often imitated, our first-in-class proprietary data is never duplicated. Our database contains unrivaled property data that is continually validated and curated using advanced real estate analysis, machine learning, and big data manipulation techniques. But don't take our word for it, put PropertyBook to the test and see for yourself how much data other data providers have been missing.

How do I search for properties and sales?

PropertyBook offers multiple search products designed to provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate property and sales data available. Each product has its own search form with a wide range of property and transactional search parameters, so you can easily find exactly what you're looking for. The search parameters are organized by Location, Land, Building, and Transaction. Under the Location, you can select Neighborhoods, Zip Codes, Community Districts, and a custom Polygon to include in your search criteria. You can find these search options under their respective Location sub-tabs, which are labeled: Details, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Community District, and Polygon. The Details tab include parameters that allow you to search by Borough, Block and Lot ranges (or a specific Block and Lot), Street Number range, Street Name, Building Name, and Owner Name. PropertyBook currently offers the following property and property sales search products:

  • Real Property: Search for real property parcel using a wide range of location, land, building and prior transaction details
  • Condo Unit: Search for condominium units using a wide range of location, land, building, unit specific, and prior transaction details options
  • Coop Unit: Search for cooperative units using a wide range of location, land, building, unit specific, and prior transaction details options
  • Map Search: Click on any tax lot polygon to instantly see property details and built custom lists
  • Analytics: Research and analyze building permits, approvals, variances, and other insightful market activity

Sale Comps
  • Real Property Sales: Search for real property sales using all Real Property search options, plus custom sale criteria options such as sale price and date ranges, contract date range, unit sale prices ($/Sq Ft, $/FAR Sq Ft, $/Unit, etc.), cap rates, mortgage amount, buyers/sellers/lenders, multi-property sales, mixed property sales, and more.
  • Condo Unit Sales: Search for condo unit sales using all Condo Unit search options, plus custom sale criteria options such as sale price and date ranges, contract date range, unit sale prices ($/Sq Ft, $/bedroom, $/Unit, etc.), GRM, mortgage amount, buyers/sellers/lenders, multi-property sales, mixed property sales, and more.
  • Coop Unit Sales: Search for cooperative unit sales using all Coop Unit search options, plus custom sale criteria options such as sale price and date ranges, contract date range, buyers/sellers/lenders, multi-property sales, mixed property sales, and more.
  • Air Rights Sales: Search for sales of air rights (development rights) throughout New York City. All air rights sales are researched and analyzed by our team of expert real estate appraisers

How do I run a portfolio search?

A portfolio search returns all properties owned by the same owner as the subject property you identify. If a property owner owns more than one property in New York City, you will see a "Portfolio" button in the upper right hand corner of the property details page. Simply click the Portfolio button and a new browser window will open that includes a search results page with all properties in the portfolio you specified. The Portfolio search button is available when viewing properties through the Map Search, Real Property Search, and Condo Unit search.

What's the map search?

The Map Search is the fastest way to find details on any specific property. There's three ways to search for a property using the Map Search:

  • Enter an address/place into the search box
  • Select the borough and enter the block and lot in the BBL search form
  • Zoom the map and click any tax lot polygon to view details

When the property you searched for is found or when you click on a tax lot polygon, an info window will appears with the property address, block, lot, and owner's name. The info window also includes a button to "Pin" the property, which adds it to a list that is tucked away by default, and can be expanded with a single click. The Map Search product allows you to quickly and easily find any property, create custom lists (that would have otherwise been impossible due to drastically different characteristics) of properties to analyze, export, create reports for, etc.

Can I export data?

Yes, you can export data to a csv file from any of PropertyBook's search results pages and from the Map Search. Click the star next to the properties or sales you want to export, then click "Export". The export menu will then appear. Here, you can select which data points to include in your export. You can also create export templates to increase your productivity. All datapoints provided on the details page are available for export, as well as the current owner's name, mailing address, and phone number.

Can I save search criteria and results?

Yes, you can save search criteria for all of PropertyBook's search products. At the bottom of all search forms is a button labeled "Save Criteria". After clicking the "save Criteria" button, you will be prompted to name your saved search criteria. Enter a name and click OK; that's it, your search criteria is saved! To populate a search form with saved criteria options, click on the "Load Criteria" button at the bottom of the search form and select the saved Search Criteria you wish to load. You can also stack saved search criteria for increased efficiency. This feature is designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient. You can quickly execute your search without having to enter parameters for each individual search you run. After loading a saved search criteria, you can also modify the criteria options and/or add additional search options that are not part of the saved criteria.

Can I save search results?

Yes, you can save search results from any of our search components. PropertyBook has a folder feature that allows you to save property and sales results to folders you create. Folders are organized into groups to help keep you organized and maximize your workflow efficiency. An entire group of folders and individual folders can be duplicated, renamed or deleted. You can access your folders by clicking "My Folders" in the navigation menu. To save a property or sale, simply click the "Save" button on the property or sale record you wish to save; then, select the group and folder you want to save it in, click OK, and your done! You can save the same property to as many folders as you want. You can quickly access your saved properties and sales by navigating to the "My Folders" page and clicking on the group and folder where you saved them in.

How can I get help using PropertyBook?

Please, just ask! We're eager to help you get started using PropertyBook and increasing your value. You can contact us from your profile page, via email or by phone. We can provide you with phone, email, screen share, or in person support, depending on the scope.

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